Reflections of the week

Reflections by SN Ake on RH Activities of the week (13/05/13 – 17/05/13).

We usually start our outreach clinic at 9.30am. Pre knowledge, attitude, practice and barrier based questions are administered to the patients followed by an education session on Cervical cancer screening, STI’s and family planning. These are done by the health   educators before the patients are seen by the doctor and nurses. On Wednesday we saw 22 patients at Velovelo Indian Settlement. The Pap smear screening was done by Dr Shastra Naidu Morris, an experienced GP from Melbourne, SN Anne and SN Ake. All patients had their breast examinations done. On Friday, we saw a total of 17 patients at Natabua Village. The Pap smear screening was done by Dr Morris, NP Sereana and SN Anne. After the Pap smear screening each patient was then given a set of questions to review their Pap smear experience. This feedback session was new for me because we did not do it in the past. A satisfied customer is more likely to refer other women for pap smears. The feedback allows us an opportunity to deal with any concerns that they may have regarding pap smears. My friend Anne says, that most women don’t know much about self breast examination.

Dr Morris and SN Ake. SN Anne - going through the Pap smear box.
SN Ake interviewing a patient. Dr Morris talks to a patient while NP Sereana looks on. 

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights Mosese, George, Jokapeci, Koroi and I went to Tavakubu village, where we were invited by the Methodist church to be part of their community edcuation program. We were alloted 2 hrs from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. We were priviledged to have been asked to talk on adolescent issues, particularly reproductive health issues. This was the 1st occasion where we were formally invited by the Methodist church to present at such an important church meeting. The meeting was to coincide with Pentecost week, when the church celebrates the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

The Reflections of Dr Joe Felsen.   

On Saturday, the NCD team and the reproductive health team under my leadership were happy to participate in the Vuda District School, Family Wellness day. We enjoyed 6 hours of fun, good food, exercise and education.
Blood pressures and blood sugar screening were provided for all who were interested. Reproductive health questions were answered and condoms were available. Mosese and myself spoke briefly on NCD’s. Professor Rajat spoke to the elders, parents and children on how we can all strive as a community to promote wellness.

Dr Joe Felsen takes part in the early morning Zumba. Professor Rajat takes part in the early morning Zumba.
Professor Rajat, the Tui Vuda and Adi Senitiki. SN Soko checks the blood pressure of a patient.


The reflections of the co-medical director, Professor Rajat Gyaneshwar:     

This week for me was personally exciting for the Viseisei Sai Health Centre. Dr Amrat Lad, a visiting GP frm NZ spent Monday and Tuesday providing clinical services. His session finished on Tuesday with an in-service training. Dr Amrat Lad is also assisting us organise our clinical data system using Medtech. 

Dr Shastra Morris from Melbourne who happens to be Swaran’s sister, very ably replaced her on the outreach clinics. 
When volunteers like Amrat and Shastra are present at the Health Centre, Swaran and I are very grateful because it helps ease our load of clinical responsibilities.
I was concerned about the reproductive health team taking such a heavy load this week and was concerned they were pushing themselves too hard. However I was grateful they were able to respond to the request from the church. This is really exciting for us because partnership with the churches and other Faith Based Organisations is essential to our program in promoting wellness. On Friday we were able to meet Dr Nick Cooling, an academic and Primary Health Care physician from Hobart. We are hoping that Nick will be able to provide longer term collaboration in the research activities of VSHC. Saturday was another great day when we were invited by the Vuda District School to a parents and childrens day at the school. The NCD team, under the leadership of Dr Joe Felsen with Anne providing reproductive health cover spent about 6 hours at the function which was attended by several village elders including the Tui Vuda, Taukei Nakelo and the Turaga ni Koro. I was able to give an impassioned challenge to the elders, parents and children to create an environment for behavior change which will embrace wellness and avoid health risks. 

We are grateful that the Lord made Sunday for rest.