Tobacco Smoking and Viseisei Village
As part of the NCD intervention in Veseisei Village, the Trainee Interns (Tis) on their public health attachment from FNU started an initiative to combat this issue of smoking tobacco. A meeting with the assistant Turaga ni Koro was arranged to discuss the idea of declaring Veseisei village a Tobacco Free village. An informal meeting took place with the Turaga ni koro to discuss the issue, and a meeting and presentation was arranged with the the Turaga ni Koro and his assistant.
On Thursday the 18th of June the TIs together with the NCD team at VSHC met with the Turaga ni Koro and his assistant, with the Tis providing a presentation.
The following topics were covered:
Definition of NCDs
Burden of NCDs
Risk factors
Smoking and Health
STEPS Survey
Interventions for smoking cessation & tobacco control
During the presentation a lot of discussion took place. The Turaga ni koro and his assistant were alarmed with the rates of NCDs and the risk factors in Veseisei village. It was agreed that Viseisei Village needs to address the issue of tobacco smoking and the Turaga ni Koro was interested to declare the village tobacco free. They decided to work with the separate Yavusa, as the Village is large. The staff at VSHC and the TIs offered to provide education sessions to the village as required. An initial meeting was arranged with the Yavusa Tububere, and took place after the meeting at VSHC.
Presentation to Turaga ni Koro and his assistant on tobacco smoking
Meeting with Yavusa Tububere
Thursday 18th June
Present: Mr Rusiate Namuvaira, Anare Tuidraki (Turaga ni Koro), Iliesa Namuaira (Assistant Turaga ni Koro), Suzianna(TI), Repa (TI), Dr Finau Dempsey, Lucy (Australian Volunteer), Alelia (CHW), Luisa (CHW)
We set out to meet the head of the tribe Sawaieke, Ratu Tevita Momoedonu to inform him of our wish to declare his tribe smoke free. However, he was unwell, so we met with the next person in line, his brother Mr Rusiate Namuvaira. The Turaga ni Koro spoke on behalf of the team. He informed Mr Rusiate that following the presentation by the TIs and VSHC team, they seriously want to get the ball rolling in making Viseisei Village smoke free and if the heads can agree and start with the Tribe of Sawaieke first.
Mr Rusiate has voiced his support and has appointed Iliesa to approach Ratu Momoedonu to call a meeting (all members of the tribe). Tomorrow the women of the tribe will converge for some pre-planned issues, so he will inform them of the upcoming tribal meet and the move towards smoke-free zone. He has requested VSHC to link with the Tobacco Unit to be present at their meeting to explain the process to them and guide them through this journey.
He wants a billboard erected as soon as they start (to check with the tobacco control unit). Once the tribe is informed, they (via Iliesa) will plan education sessions by the VSHC team.
Meeting with Yavusa Tububere and Turaga ni Koro