News : Nutrition


Nutrition and GESI Workshop

2016.09.14 Categories: Community Health Worker Program, Education and Training, Nutrition, VSHC Activities

The main purpose of this workshop held on September 2nd, 2016 was to build the capacity of VSHC staff and CHW’s in the areas of Nutrition and Gender Equality. The Nutrition workshop was conducted by Volunteer Dietician Danielle and Dietician Rylene and a total of 23 people attended the workshop as part of staff capacity building. The presentation focussed on promoting a healthy staff program and included carrying out a SNAP survey of the staff. Healthy workplace policies were discussed, which included physical activity and a "Sit Less" policy.  … Read more >>

All You Need to Know about Sugar

2015.10.03 Category: Nutrition

By - Jeffrey So, Volunteer Dietitian – VSHC Every time we talk about sugar, we think of it as the ultimate “villain” to our health. But this is not quite right. First we need to know what sugars are and which ones we should be eating. All sugars are carbohydrates - they make us satisfied and energetic. We need carbohydrates in our diet as they provide a large proportion of energy we need to move our bodies, and for our organs to function. Sugars will eventually be broken down into… Read more >>

Iron and Anaemia

2015.09.25 Category: Nutrition

Identifying Iron Deficiency Anaemia. What you eat can make a difference between weak and strong, healthy blood. By - Jeffrey So, Volunteer Dietitian Nutritionist. Ever wonder why you or your children come across as tired, weak and lethargic, or feeling frequent headaches, dizziness or hard to concentrate, it could be a sign of anaemia. People who are anaemic can also present with pale skins, eyelids and gums as well as hair loss. The word ‘anaemia’ in Greek literally means “without blood”. It is a condition when you have fewer red… Read more >>

Size matters when it comes to food

2015.09.22 Categories: Non Communicable Diseases Project, Nutrition

By - Lauren Houston, Volunteer Nutritionist. The increase in portion sizes is a major contributor to why more and more Itaukei and Fijians of Indian decent are loosing the battle with obesity and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. From the latest national STEPs survey (2011) the prevalence of obesity has risen by 8.5% since 2002, with 32.1% of Fijian adults now classified as obese. This is also evident in that Fijians are also getting wider as the average waist circumference of males has risen by 4cm and females 5.2cm. The… Read more >>